Mukhammadsaid Mamasaidov

I'm a 23-years old research scientist, working mostly with natural language processing. I'm a founder of Tahrirchi, an R&D company that develops language solutions for Uzbek, such as spell and grammar checking. I'm also interested in other low-resource Turkic languages, like Kazakh and Kyrgyz.

At Tahrirchi I've implemented morphological analyzers for Uzbek and Kazakh, pre-trained large language models for Uzbek, and created a grammar checker for Uzbek, the first of its kind among Turkic languages, by adapting Grammarly's model for Uzbek. I've led a team that won 50k$ at mGovAward 2022, "Best Research Project for the Uzbek Language 2021", and was nominated for "Builder of the Future" of Uzbekistan medal.

We also contribute to the open-source community of Uzbek NLP. Recently, we have open-sourced the biggest corpus of Uzbek (36 GB) consisting of more than 35,000 books. Additionally, we also open-sourced several pre-trained language models for Uzbek.

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I'm interested in nature language processing and machine learning. Specifically, I focus on Spelling Correction and Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) tasks.

Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) for Agglutinative Languages: Case of Uzbek
Mukhammadsaid Mamasaidov
In draft, 2023
project page (in Uzbek) / demo

Using Grammarly's GECToR model, we created a grammar checker for Uzbek. The idea is to incorporate the knowledge of rule-based morphological analyzers into the neural network, which makes generalization much greater for agglutinative languages, like Uzbek.

Tahrirgoh: Data Annotation Platform for Grammatical Error Correction
Mukhammadsaid Mamasaidov, Jasur Yusupov

We created a minimalistic data annotation platform for grammatical error correction data collection.

UzBooks and UzCrawl: the biggest open-sourced Uzbek corpora
Mukhammadsaid Mamasaidov, Abror Shopulatov
UzBooks / UzCrawl

We scanned and OCRed more than 35,000 high-quality books in Uzbek. Overall, the dataset size is 33 GB, plus 3 GB of crawled data, like news and articles. It's the biggest high-quality dataset in Uzbek to this date.

A two-level morphological analyzer for Uzbek
Mukhammadsaid Mamasaidov
In draft, 2022

Using finite-state transducers I implemented a morphological analyzer for Uzbek. Then, I formed a team and created a soft mobile keyboard only for Uzbek, with its agglutinative nature in mind. We won 50k$ at mGovAward 2022 as the best mobile application for the government.

UZWORDNET: A Lexical-Semantic Database for the Uzbek Language
Alessandro Agostini, Timur Usmanov, Ulugbek Khamdamov, Nilufar Abdurakhmonova Mukhammadsaid Mamasaidov
GWC, 2021
project page / ACL

We describe the initial development of a “word-net” for the Uzbek language compatible to Princeton WordNet. To the best of our knowledge, it is the largest wordnet for Uzbek existing to date, and the second wordnet developed overall.

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